Why Wealthy Affiliate Is My Choice
by Christene | 6:23 am

Building an online business can be fun and rewarding, but it is very easy to get lost or caught up in the cycle of spending dollar after dollar to achieve an outcome, but still come up short.  I started my online journey back in 2012, I was so excited and eager to start on the road to an online income, but like many others, I have tried so many different programs and never seem to progress.  With the way that things rapidly change online it can we a whirl wind just trying to keep up with all the changes unless you have a team of professionals behind you.  My experience with other programs was invaluable, but there was something missing for me.  They either didn’t have the support or you had to keep spending more and more money, often money you don’t have and it never seems to end.  Before you know it you have spent way more than you have earnt.  Slowly my dreams of owning an online business were fading, and I was becomming disheartened, thinking the best way to a secure income was getting a JOB.

Is A Job An Easier Option?

A JOB, is that an easier option?  For me it wasn’t.  I had been out of the workforce for a number of years raising my children and had found that it was hard to get my foot back into the door.  (You can check out my post Best Jobs For Women Over 50, for an insight into the difficulties women face getting back into the workforce). Then one day, my bestie Ange mentioned Wealthy Affiliate.  She had signed up as a free member to see what it was all about.  She was impressed with the option for a starter membership that allowed us to sign-up for free and see whether it was for us.  Wealthy Affiliate offers step by step training to those who would like to start an online business and all the resources, support and training are all in one place.  I loved this!  Almost unheard of…. everything I needed to know was here in this community and their training.

What Is The Training Like?

The training is second to none, but not to forget the community of like minded people that all work together to help and support each other.  That is one of the best features.  The internet can be a lonely place, but with the Wealthy Affiliate community there is always someone to bounce ideas off, get some advice from or just have a chat to.

If you have spent any time online, you know that things change often.  Many online business owners can attest to this, and have experienced this first hand.  When Google changes it algorithyms, businesses can diminish overnight.  Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that helps it’s members keep abreast of the rapid changes and takes all the worry out of having to do that on our own or once our business has suffered.  The training is updated as required to keep all the material current.

What Does Wealthy Affiliate Teach?

Wealthy Affiliate teaches a good solid foundation.  A foundation, even though directed towards affiliate marketing, can really be applied to any business model that involves online dealings.  For example, another Wealthy Affiliate member, an aspiring author, has used the training here at Wealthy Affiliate to self publish their own book, a dream for them and they attributed this success to being part of this platform.  Another example, my husband and I also have an e-commerce business.  I don’t know where I would be without the training here at Wealthy Affiliate, which has helped me build and market that business as well.  With this platform, the sky is the limit, what is on offer here can be used in so many different ways limited only by your imagination and your action!

Stay On Top Of Online Changes

Wealthy Affiliate does cover all aspects that you need to build a successful affiliate marketing business.  The platform is continually evolving and more resources are being added here all the time.  The community is growing and with a community comes knowledge and support.  Instead on relying on Kyle’s and Carson’s knowledge and expertise, although extensive, we have so many other people here in the community that can bring their experience and expertise for us to draw off.  Two heads are better than one…in fact for Wealthy Affiliate 1,000,000 + heads are better than one!!

Final Note

While I can give Wealthy Affiliate a glowing report, it is important that you do your own research to make sure that what is on offer here suits your needs.  I would recommend having a look at my Wealthy Affiliate review in the article Wealthy Affiliate University Scam Or Not?  That is a balanced review of what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer, opposed to my personal testimony here.  If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to assist!  To you success!

Thanks for reading, hope to see you here again at Over Fifties Affiliate very soon.



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