Looking for good quality keywords to market your business effectively?  To START your research, simply perform a search below with this free online keyword research tool.


 When searching for a “quality” keyword, there are some important metrics to consider.

 Monthly Searches

How many people are looking for information using a specific keyword?  This translates to the amount of traffic that is generated by that particular keyword.  Keyword searching is considered organic or natural traffic.  ANY organic traffic is a good amount of traffic.  When you start to rank under keywords, your campaigns will grow cumulatively.

The Jaxxy keyword research tool has two traffic indicators.

Avg = average number of searches that the keyword receives each month, and

Traffic = indicates the visits to your website per month if your rank on the first page in the search engines for that particular keyword.

QSR (Quoted Search Results)

This is a very handy little metric.  It tells you the number of websites that are ranked for the EXACT same keyword.  Therefore giving us information what our competition is.  A good rule of thumb is, if you aim under a QSR of 400, you will have a good chance of getting ranked (although 300 is ideal).  There are truly millions of these keywords out there and this becomes obvious when you have a tool that gives you this data.

 KQI (Keyword Quality Indicator)

This metric gives you an instant indication of the quality of your chosen keyword for your campaign, (PPC, SEO or otherwise).  This quick way to determine keyword quality, will mean more efficiency when performing keyword research.

Green means GREAT

Yellow means GOOD, and

Red means POOR.

SEO Power (Search Engine Optimisation)

This metric is a score based on traffic and competition.  The higher the score (1-100), then the more likely you will rank on the first page of the search engines for this keyword.  The bottom-line is if you can get rankings, then you can earn money online! This metric makes your research super efficient.


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